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Your sister saw a boy

Your sister saw a boy swallowed by the river. She was walking her dogs Tory and Sally across the Murray Bridge where two fifteen year old boys were drinking beer and mucking around when one of them fell in. Your mum Dinga rings with the details - how he came up twice then didn’t appear again, how the 000 service referred Pat to the Bendigo ambulance, how the Echuca police took thirty-five minutes to come, how someone suggested a net across the river, and a cop said Who’s gonna do it, you? How the other kid kept saying That’s me mate in there, how his mum was at work no-one knew where. How the SES* were still searching. Bit of excitement says Dinga, and somewhere a boy lies cold and swaddled in river the surface calm again the night coming down. * State Emergency Service Kerry Scuffins

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